Our tests are based on a punctuation system which is applicated to each biomarker. According to a global punctiation, we could find a state of oxidative equilibrium, prooxidant or antioxidant state.
Els nostres tests es basen en
l'aplicació d'un sistema de puntuació a cada biomarcador
estudiat. En funció de la puntuación global dels diferents biomarcadors, trobem un estat d'equilibri oxidatiu, un estat prooxidant o bé, un estat antioxidant.
Nuestros tests se basan en la aplicación de un sistema de puntuación a cada biomarcador analizado. En función de la puntuación global de los diferentes biomarcadores, encontramos un estado de equilibrio oxidativo, un estado prooxidante o bién, un estado antioxidante.
The Oxidative Balance Test
We analize a total of ten oxidative stress biomarkers.
Test del balanç oxidatiu
Analitzem un total de deu biomarcadors relacionts amb l'estrès oxidatiu.
Test del balance oxidativo
Analizamos una bateria de diez biomarcadores relacionados con el estrés oxidativo.
The Reduced Oxidative Balance Test
Customize your test. Choose the five biomarkers which most interest you.
Test reduït del balanç oxidatiu
Personalitzi la seva elecció. Esculli els cinc que més l'interessin.
Test reducido del balance oxidativo
Personalize su elección. Escoja los cinco biomarcadores que más le convengan.
Don't hesitate, contact us.
No ho dubti, contacti'ns
No lo dude, contáctenos.
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an enzyme considered the first line of the antioxidant defence system. We measure it spectrophotometrically in erythrocytes fraction.
Catalase (CAT) is an enzyme considered the second line of the antioxidant defence system. We measured the CAT enzymatic activity spectrophotometrically in erythrocytes fraction.
Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) is other antioxidant enzyme. The efficiency of GPx goes tied to the activity of glutathione reductase (GR), which catalyses the reduction of the oxidized glutathione (GSSG) to reduced glutathione (GSH). We measure the GPX and GR enzymatic activity by spectrophotometry in erythrocytes fraction.
Glutathione (GSH) is a no enzymatic molecule considered the more important intracellular antioxidant. One of his functions is keep the oxidation-reduction cycle (GPx-GR) with oxidized glutathione (GSSG). We measure the GSH and GSSG by spectrofluorimetry in plasma and erythrocytes fractions.
Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) is a protein group with detoxification functions. We measure the GST enzymatic activity by spectrophotometry in erythrocytes fraction.
Erythrocytes are cells with a high susceptibility to oxidation because of their principal function as oxygen transporters. The resistance of the erythrocytes to be oxidized is measured by spectrophotometry in erythrocyte fraction by means of erythrocyte resistance test.
Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS) are a group of molecules which point out oxidative variations of membrane lipids. TBARS quantification is measured by spectrofluorimetry in plasma and erithrocyte fractions.
The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) is a laboratory test for assessing total plasma antioxidant capacity. We measure it spectrofluorimetrically in plasma.
The Ferric Reducing Ability Power (FRAP) is a laboratory test for assessing the organism antioxidant power. We measure it spectrophotometrically in plasma.